BismiLlahi Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
Have you ever found yourself thinking, “Reciting the Quran is difficult; maybe it’s just not for me”?, or “Until when would I know how to pronounce the Arabic Alphabet correctly”? Or perhaps you’ve doubted your ability to memorize the entire Quran. Well, here’s a secret: the path to knowledge isn’t always a walk in the park. But hold on, because in those moments when it feels hard, that’s where success lies. The journey of seeking knowledge might not be a smooth ride, but trust me, the destination is worth every step and the reward attached to it is tremendous.
Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever takes a path to acquire knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him.” This serves as a significant encouragement, reminding us that every effort we put into seeking knowledge is a step closer to our journey to Jannah.
Hence, the pursuit of knowledge is truly a noble journey with its destination adorned with the blessing of Jannah. So, Let every quest for knowledge be an effort toward attaining Jannah. With each lesson learned in class, consider it a step closer to the pleasure of Allah.
Now, How can the path to knowledge-seeking be made easy? To make the path to knowledge-seeking easy, utilize the following key tools:
- Dua (Prayers): As passionate knowledge seekers, prayers stand as our foremost powerful tool on this journey. An author wisely penned, “By the might of Allah, Dua opens what is locked, it brings forth what is far, it joins together what is split, and it eases what is hard.” (Excerpt from Yaa Tālib Al Ilm kayfa tahfadh, Kayfa taqra’ Kayfa Tafham) So, Through prayers, Allah in his might can make knowledge-seeking easier for us.
- Ikhlaas (Sincerity): Muslims must purify their intentions and seek knowledge solely for the sake of Allah, as it forms the foundation for the acceptance of our deeds. Allah states in the Qur’an: “[And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but Him Alone (abstaining from ascribing partners to Him)]” (Surah Al-Bayyinah: 5). Shaykh Salih Al Usaymi also emphasized that “Verily, a man would attain knowledge per the level of his sincerity.”
- Avoidance of Prohibition: Acquiring knowledge becomes challenging unless one refrains from what Allah has prohibited. How can the heart be a vessel for knowledge when it’s occupied with what Allah has forbidden? “It is indeed forbidden for knowledge to enter a heart that harbors what displeases Allah”. Says Sahl ibn AbdiLlah May Allah’s mercy be upon him. Therefore, we must become conscious of the deeds we present to Allah.
- Patience, Strive, and Practice: Understand that whoever treads a path will reach its destination; it may take days, months, or years, but patience is key. Shaykh Salih Al Usaymi emphasized in his book “Ta’dhimul Ilm” that knowledge is unattainable without patience. Al-Imam Yahyah bn Abi Katheer also stated, “Knowledge cannot be acquired with sloth,” meaning reluctance and body relaxation. Therefore, one must strive, read, and diligently practice. Remember to practice the alphabet consistently after classes and also revise the lessons you took in class – practice makes perfect.
- Attentiveness in Class: it’s essential to emphasize the significance of paying attention in class. Paying attention in class is crucial. It aligns with the sincere pursuit of knowledge and enhances understanding. Active engagement during lessons contributes to a more meaningful learning experience. Always Remember, that attentive learning in class enhances the depth of understanding and the subsequent application of acquired knowledge.
In conclusion, the journey of seeking knowledge is both challenging and rewarding. As you face difficulties, remember that success often lies in those moments of hardship. Encourage yourself to persevere, knowing that the ultimate reward is Paradise. The hadith about the ease of the path to Paradise for those seeking knowledge serves as a constant reminder. Embark on your own journey with dedication and sincerity, and may your pursuit of knowledge be both enlightening and fulfilling.
✍🏻Mutmainnah Murtadha (Ummu Faatimah)
Mu’allimah at Al-waduud Institute
MashaAllah May Allah increase our knowledge and make ease our way to Jannah. Your words encouraged me to do my best in the journey of memorizing Qur’an.
May Allah put Barokah in your pen