The Exclusive Reward of Fasting

Fasting is unlike any other act of worship. While every good deed carries immense reward, fasting holds a special place in the sight of Allah. It is an act of pure devotion, done solely for His sake, with no one knowing its sincerity except Allah Himself.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

“(Allah said), ‘Every good deed of Adam’s son is for him except fasting; it is for Me, and I shall reward (the fasting person) for it.’ Verily, the smell of the mouth of a fasting person is better to Allah than the smell of musk.”
(Bukhari and Muslim)

This hadith highlights the unique status of fasting and the immense, unmeasurable reward that Allah has reserved for those who fast sincerely.

Fasting: A Sign of Sincerity

Unlike other acts of worship, which may be seen or praised by others, fasting is done in complete privacy. A person could easily eat or drink in secret, but they choose to remain steadfast out of love and obedience to Allah. This sincerity makes fasting an act of pure devotion, one that is exclusively between the servant and the Creator.

Because of this, Allah Himself promises to personally reward the fasting person—a reward beyond human comprehension. It is not limited to a set number of good deeds but is given directly by the Most Generous, the Most Merciful.

The Sweetness of Sacrifice

The hadith also reminds us that even what may seem unpleasant to people—the breath of a fasting person—is beloved to Allah. This is a profound lesson:

  • What matters most is not how something appears to people but how it is viewed by Allah.
  • Any discomfort endured for Allah’s sake—hunger, thirst, tiredness—is honored and rewarded.
  • Fasting is not just about physical abstinence but about purifying the heart, increasing taqwa (God-consciousness), and strengthening self-discipline.

Finding Strength in This Reminder

As we fast, there may be moments of exhaustion or weakness. But knowing that Allah Himself treasures our fast should fill us with renewed strength and determination. Every second of restraint, every hunger pang, and every difficulty faced while fasting is recorded and rewarded in ways beyond our imagination.

A Month of Boundless Rewards

This Ramadan, let us remember that we are not just giving up food and drink; we are engaging in an act of worship so special that Allah alone will determine its reward. Let us fast with sincerity, patience, and gratitude, knowing that our efforts are seen, valued, and loved by Allah.

May our fasting be accepted, may we be counted among those who fast with sincerity, and may we receive the special reward Allah has promised. Ameen.