One-Third of Ramadan Has Passed—How Much Have You Improved?

Time is passing quickly, and before we know it, Ramadan will be over. We have now completed one-third of this blessed month, and this is the perfect moment to pause, reflect, and evaluate ourselves.

Thabit ibn al-Hajjaj reported:

Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
“Hold yourselves accountable before you are held accountable and evaluate yourselves before you are evaluated, for the Reckoning will be easier upon you tomorrow if you hold yourselves accountable today.”
(Muḥāsabat al-Nafs li-Ibn Abī Dunyā 2)

This powerful statement from Umar (RA) reminds us of the importance of self-reflection and self-accountability. If we sincerely review our actions now, we can make the necessary changes before it’s too late.

Time for an Honest Self-Check

As one-third of Ramadan has passed, let us ask ourselves:

  • How has my relationship with Allah improved?
  • Am I consistent in my prayers, Qur’an recitation, and dhikr?
  • Have I been avoiding sins and bad habits?
  • Am I giving charity and helping those in need?
  • Have I been making sincere du’aa and seeking forgiveness?

If we have been striving to do better—Alhamdulillah, let’s continue and increase in goodness. But if we feel we haven’t done enough, it’s not too late. There is still time to change, improve, and make the most of what remains of Ramadan.

How to Make the Rest of Ramadan Count

  1. Renew Your Intentions: Make a strong commitment to seek Allah’s pleasure in every act of worship.
  2. Increase in Worship: If you’ve been struggling, start praying extra rak‘ahs, reciting more Qur’an, and making more du’aa.
  3. Guard Your Time: Reduce distractions—cut down on social media, unnecessary talk, and wasted time.
  4. Seek Forgiveness Sincerely: Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) is a powerful key to earning Allah’s mercy and blessings.
  5. Give More in Charity: If you haven’t given yet, start now—Ramadan is the best time for sadaqah.
  6. Strive for Consistency: Even small deeds done regularly are beloved to Allah.

Don’t Let Ramadan Slip Away

The first third of Ramadan is gone, but the best days are still ahead. Now is the time to push harder and ensure that when Ramadan ends, we leave as better Muslims than we started.

May Allah accept our efforts, forgive our shortcomings, and grant us the strength to finish Ramadan in the best state. Ameen.